TMI junior travels to Guatemala as part of a combined mission trip

TMI junior, Zach Evers, was one of 105 members of the San Antonio Guatemalan Endeavor (SAGE) Mission team that traveled to San Cristobal de Alta Verapaz, Guatemala on a combined medical/surgical and community development mission trip from Jul 10th-25th.  Zach was part of the 5-member advance team that prepared the destination hospital for the team’s arrival.  He also worked on a community development team that journeyed into the local communities and poured concrete to cover dirt floors, installed efficient wood-burning stoves and water filtration systems in 8 homes.

Impoverished indigenous Guatemalan families cook with open fire pits in their one-room homes, putting members at risk for smoke and fire-related injuries. Onil stoves significantly improve living conditions by venting the smoke out of the homes and eliminating risk for burns, plus reducing firewood consumption by 70%.  His team also installed an institutional stove and water filtration system in a local school, improving the learning conditions for many school children and teachers.